THANK YOU for Supporting UH GAP
Need a thank you message.
You will hear about upcoming initiatives, learn how to support the design program, and will receive invitations to many events the UH Graphic Design program and UH GAP host yearly, including the Main Event, the Senior Exhibition, and the Alumni Mixer and After Party.
Information collected will not be sold or distributed to outside parties and will only be used by UH GAP and UH School of Art Graphic Design.

UH GAP Survey

The Objective

Every successful initiative needs a measurable gauge for success in the form of objectives. The UH GAP survey was designed with clear objectives in mind in order to gauge the effort’s success.

These objectives are as follows:

  1. Establish a baseline of data that is measurable and actionable
  2. Collect data that is relevant and actionable to serve key UH GAP stakeholder audiences
  3. The data should be able to be utilized to educate these audience segments on the efficacy of design, the effectiveness of the UH graphic design program and awareness for UH GAP
  4. Ultimately, we hope the data will allow us to assess the level of awareness and perception of value of a UH Graphic Design program and efforts of UH GAP
We also want to update the UH GAP contact database. Though this survey is anonymous, we hope you will take a moment after responding to update your information in our records. This will allow us to reliably send you the results of the survey, as well as, making sure you stay connected with the alumni community and program.
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